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News Stories (6 Results) - AICPA & CIMA Economic Outlook Survey

It’s been a pattern since the end of 2022: Business executives’ optimism about the U.S. economy falls one quarter, rises the next, then dips again the following quarter.That same trend held steady in the second-quarter AICPA & CIMA Economic Outlook... Read Story
June 07, 2024, 07:23 AM

Business executives don’t have a strong sense of where the economy is headed, and their mixed-bag outlook reflects that, according to the fourth-quarter AICPA & CIMA Economic Outlook Survey. The survey polls chief executive officers, chief financial... Read Story
December 08, 2023, 07:22 AM

With concerns about inflation and a potential recession ticking down, business executives have grown guardedly less pessimistic about the U.S. economy's prospects, according to the third-quarter AICPA & CIMA Economic Outlook Survey. The survey polls... Read Story
September 01, 2023, 07:22 AM

U.S. business executives still have grave concerns about the economy but have grown more optimistic about revenue and profit expectations and other key indicators for the coming year, according to the first-quarter AICPA & CIMA Economic Outlook... Read Story
March 10, 2023, 07:17 AM

Some 51 percent of business executives say the U.S. economy is either already in recession or will be by the new year, according to the fourth-quarter AICPA & CIMA Economic Outlook Survey. The survey polls chief executive officers, chief financial... Read Story
December 02, 2022, 07:21 AM

U.S. business executives again lowered expectations for profit and revenue growth over the next 12 months, as optimism in the U.S. economy remains tamped down by inflation worries and repercussions from both the Russo-Ukraine war and an economic... Read Story
September 01, 2022, 07:17 AM