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Alta Speakers to Address Key Industry Issues at ELFA Conferences

August 28, 2018, 07:22 AM
Filed Under: Industry News

Equipment finance companies collect and generate a wealth of data, but most are unsure how to leverage it to increase competitiveness in strategic ways. Those attending the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) Operations & Technology Conference Sept. 17-19 in Philadelphia will learn about the benefits and challenges of data analytics for improving sales originations, servicing and end-of-term as three companies present their real-life case studies, said John Hurt, a member of the ELFA Operations & Technology Committee, conference panelist and director with The Alta Group digital business advisory practice.

“Our goal is to give the audience something relatable, and also something that takes them further then they thought they could go with data analytics,” Hurt said. Other panelists for the “So…What About the Data?” session at 3:45 p.m. Sept. 17 include Jim Humphrey of Odessa Technologies, Kevin Truitt of LTi Technology Solutions, Chad Carlson of Tamarack Consulting, Tim Watters of Terra Point, Kyle Gershman of Odessa and Frank Swann of ENGS Commercial Finance.

Hurt will also present during the pre-conference workshop on “Blockchain: Beyond the Hype,” at 9:30 a.m. Sept 17 with Deborah J. Reuben of Reuben Creative, Bart Cant of IBM and John Rizzi, head of the digital business advisory practice for Alta; and at the “Risk Management & The Compliance (R)evolution” session at 11:15 a.m. Sept. 18 with Tamara Darnow and Jennifer Martin of Key Equipment Finance, Lisa Nowak of International Decision Systems and Joshua Bridge of Capgemini America.

Meanwhile, the ELFA Lease & Finance Accountants Conference, also in Philadelphia, will tackle looming accounting rule changes and other critical topics.

“In the past, we have primarily addressed the coming changes from a more general perspective. With an adoption date for ASC 842 of January 1, 2019, there will be a lot more discussions and examples of implementation issues, including some minor, unresolved points the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) is considering,” said Shawn Halladay, a member of the ELFA Financial Accounting Committee and managing director of Alta’s professional development practice. He expects ASC 842 related sessions to be especially popular.

Halladay will present at the pre-conference CFO Roundtable Sept. 17 with Ann Gill of Encore Capital Group; the Lease and Loan Sales session that day with Dorina Maerean of IBM Global Financing and Charlie Shannon of Moss Adams; and the Hot Topics Roundtable on Sept. 18 with moderator Joseph Guage of First American Equipment Finance, Mamta Shori of Wells Fargo Equipment Finance and Jeffrey Ellis of FTI Consulting.

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