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Moody’s: Marketplace Loan ABS Would Benefit from a Bank Charter

December 09, 2016, 07:09 AM
Filed Under: Banking News

Moody's has published a comment in thier Credit Outlook that the announcement by the U.S. OCC that it would begin accepting special-purpose bank charter applications from fintech companies is credit positive for marketplace loan ABS.

According to Moody's:

  • If marketplace lenders obtained these charters, lenders could stop relying on partner banks to fund their loans at origination, a business model that creates legal risk
  • Although the OCC said it would consider applications by fintech companies for special-purpose national bank charters, it is unclear whether marketplace lenders will seek the charters given their accompanying regulatory requirements, or whether the OCC would approve them
  • Operating through partner banks or via state licenses carries costs and risks for lenders, but operating under a bank charter could be more expensive and restrictive

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