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Dedicated Commercial Recovery Launches New Website

August 10, 2016, 07:11 AM
Filed Under: Industry News

Dedicated Commercial Recovery Inc. has launched it’s highly anticipated new website,

Dedicated’s President Shane Davis describes the site as “the most innovative and contemporary website in commercial collections and recovery today. With our clear calls to action, wide-screen formatting, and new chat feature, our website is the new standard in our industry.” The website had been under construction behind the scenes for months, and Davis was not going to allow it to be released it until all the wrinkles were smoothed out perfectly.

“One of the things that I am most pleased with is the new VLOG section. I have been excited to do an informational video about Dedicated for some time, and this was just the push I needed to get it done. This section will be filled with video blogs that will inform, educate, and sometimes even illicit a smile. While collections is not a laughing matter, sometimes helpful information and a positive relay system can help the viewer more than traditional methods.”

Dedicated Commercial Recovery Inc. is a team of respected, knowledgeable, and innovative collections, recovery and remarketing specialists. You’ve never worked with anyone like them before, and you’ll find it refreshing! Dedicated’s collection plans are easily customized for dealing with any type of commercial debt, and their aim is to be a seamless extension of your internal collections process. Lenders write deals to keep them in place and collect all of the payments that are owed, and nobody understands that better than Dedicated. With an unparalleled team of experts who are firm in their expectation of repayment while resolving accounts with little to no liability for all parties involved, no collections agency has ever done what Dedicated is doing!

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