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ASA Names Vukovljak as Its New CEO

May 28, 2024, 07:18 AM
Related: Appraisals, ASA

ASA announced Lana Vukovljak will join as CEO & Executive Vice President on July 1. In her new role, Vukovljak will lead the Society's efforts to advance and serve its nearly 5,000 members and the broader valuation profession. Her responsibilities will include overseeing operations, ethical and professional standards, supporting the Society’s six disciplines and its network of 50 chapters worldwide, and consumer outreach to enhance public awareness and trust in ASA members. She will also manage partnerships with the ASA Educational Foundation, the NAIFA Education & Research Trust, and a network of organizations around the world.

“We are thrilled to welcome Lana Vukovljak as the new CEO of ASA,” said Garrett Schwartz, ASA International President. “Lana's extensive experience and dedication to professional education make her an outstanding leader for our organization. Her vision and strategic skills will be invaluable in advancing our mission internationally and continuing ASA’s leadership in the valuation profession.”

Vukovljak expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “I am thrilled to join this esteemed appraiser organization as its new CEO. I am eager to collaborate with our dedicated volunteers, members, and staff to uphold ASA’s commitment to providing top-notch education across all industry disciplines, ensuring excellence for all appraisers and those aspiring to pursue a career in appraisals. Moreover, I am excited to work on expanding our efforts on both national and international fronts, reaching new heights of success.”

Vukovljak’s previous roles include CEO of the Residential Real Estate Council, CEO of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, CEO and Chief Learning Officer of the American Association of Diabetes Educators, and Vice President of Continuing Education for the American Health Information Management Association. She holds a Master of Science in Language and Adult Education from the University of Belgrade, a Master of Science in Technical Communication and Information Design from the Illinois Institute of Technology, and is a PhD Candidate in Educational Leadership at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

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