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LCA Financial Names Senior Credit Analyst

September 23, 2014, 06:00 AM
Related: LCA Financial

LCA Financial (LCAF), a division of the LCA Group, announced that Barney Giunta has been appointed the role of Senior Credit Analyst for the group.  Barney will focus on underwriting third party-generated mid-ticket transactions and portfolio offerings, while providing leadership guidance to the aggressively growing division.  Barney has over 30 years of experience in the financial industry having worked the Wall Street arena and then in credit management capacities with US Bank Leasing, ICB Leasing and New World Equipment Finance.

 “I had worked with Barney at New World and knew I wanted him on my team as our volume of new business has dictated additional support,” says John Martella, LCAF President.  “As we grow the wholesale division, we seek to add expertise that brings value to our originators and positions LCA Financial as a leader in this segment.”  Division Vice President Mike Coon adds, “we are excited to have Barney Giunta along to support our growth initiatives.  His ability to manage risk and structure transactions with a business development focus puts us in a very solid competitive position.”

LCAF specializes in the Buy/Sell activities of the LCA related entities.  LCAF provides flexible discounting facilities of portfolios, asset pools and one-off transaction with either servicing retained or released.  LCAF’s portfolio and pool purchases range from $1MM to $25MM and single transactions up to $1.4MM.  In addition, LCAF discounts one-off transactions and sells pools from its related entities direct origination platforms to manage exposure limits.

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