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South End Capital Opens Partner Program to Affiliate Marketers

January 14, 2022, 07:02 AM
Filed Under: Industry News

South End Capital, a division of Stearns Bank N.A., a nationwide $2.2 billion direct lender and tech-enabled business, real estate and equipment loan platform offering loans from $1,000 to $80 million in all 50 States and D.C., has announced the expansion of its partner program to include affiliate marketers.

"Affiliate marketers can now introduce South End's competitive business, real estate and equipment financing to their networks and earn industry-leading commissions," said Noah Grayson, President of South End Capital.

South End Capital's comprehensive partner program, which includes competitive referral fees up to 5 percent (i.e. up to $5,000 paid on a $100,000 funded referral), unique referral links, a co-branded landing page, 24/7 lead tracking, regular status updates and integrated API functionality, has long been accessible to loan, mortgage and finance professionals.

"The way in which business owners and real estate investors locate commercial financing has evolved in-line with how consumers select goods and services—through online research," said Grayson. "Affiliate marketers, which often consist of media websites, social media influencers and bloggers, have become trusted resources for finance seekers, and represent an important medium for South End Capital to enhance its program awareness."

Founded in 2009 as a nationwide, non-conforming lender and intermediary, South End Capital became a division of Stearns Bank N.A., a $2.2 billion financial institution, in June 2021. South End offers mortgages secured by commercial and investment residential real estate, collateralized and uncollateralized business loans, and equipment financing.


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