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Machine Tool Orders Decline in May

July 14, 2014, 06:43 AM
Filed Under: Machine Tools

May U.S. manufacturing technology orders totaled $351.93 million according to AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology. This total, as reported by companies participating in the USMTO program, was down 10.0% from April and down 17.5% when compared with the total of $426.40 million reported for May 2013. With a year-to-date total of $1,971.83 million, 2014 is down 1.4% compared with 2013. 

These numbers and all data in this report are based on the totals of actual data reported by companies participating in the USMTO program.  

“Expectations for the 2014 manufacturing technology market were for a soft first half of the year, followed by a stronger second half. The fluctuations seen in the past few months are on track with forecasts, and all indications are that U.S. manufacturing activity is and will remain strong,” said Douglas K. Woods, AMT President. “The PMI continues to stay above 50, capacity utilization is on the rise, and both auto sales and aerospace backlogs are growing, all indications that our customers’ businesses are healthy. We expect continued investments in capital expansion through year’s end.”

U.S. manufacturing technology orders are also reported on a regional basis for six geographic breakdowns of the United States.   

Northeast Region  

Year-to-date 2014 manufacturing technology orders in the Northeast Region through May totaled $337.42 million, 2.9% more than the comparable figure for 2013. 

Southeast Region 

At $180.61 million, year-to-date manufacturing technology orders in the Southeast Region were up 5.5% when compared with the total for 2013 at the same time.  

North Central-East Region  

May manufacturing technology orders in the North Central-East Region totaled $81.83 million, down 16.8% from April’s $98.42 million and down 16.7% when compared with last May. At $551.42 million, year-to-date 2014 was up 6.2% when compared with 2013 at the same time. 

North Central-West Region   

May manufacturing technology orders in the North Central-West Region totaled $53.70 million, down 17.8% when compared with April’s $65.37 million and 27.2% less than the May 2013 total of $73.76 million. 

South Central Region  

With a year-to-date total of $313.77 million, manufacturing technology orders in the South Central Region were up 0.9% when compared with 2013 at the same time.

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