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South End Capital Delivers Equipment Financing to Georgia Dental Practice

August 02, 2021, 07:20 AM
Filed Under: Industry News

South End Capital, a division of Stearns Bank N.A., a nationwide $2.2 billion direct lender and technology-enabled business, real estate and equipment loan platform, has announced a $90,402 equipment financing. This financing assisted a Georgia-based dental practice with an expansion opportunity on the heels of the pandemic-induced economic downturn.

As a result of its recent acquisition by Stearns Bank, South End Capital is now one of the nation’s top equipment financing lenders with over 30 Certified Lease Finance Professionals (CLFP) on staff. The firm's customized term and payment options are creatively structured to match a business’s cash-flow cycle, and its innovative technology and live personal support enable South End to issue equipment financing approvals in hours, and fund in less than a day.

South End Capital funded 90 percent of the purchase price of the dental equipment, provided a 60-month financing term and even incorporated a three-month delayed payment start date.

 “A business requiring fast, streamlined financing should not be relegated to expensive merchant cash advances and term loans,” said Noah Grayson, President of South End Capital. “Our financing programs are designed for speed, but as a division of a bank we offer the added, and meaningful, benefit of affordable terms.”

The terms of South End Capital's equipment financing program are considered industry leading. In many cases, the firm can finance 100 percent of the purchase price of the equipment and require 0 percent down-payment or capital injection from the borrower. Equipment financing is available from $10,000 to $5 million, and qualified applicants only need to complete a short application verbally, over the phone.

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