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$54MM+ of Equipment Sold in latest Ritchie Bros. Rocky Mountain Event

June 03, 2021, 07:05 AM
Filed Under: Auction News

Ritchie Bros.’ regional auctions keep rolling, with more than 800 companies selling in the May Rocky Mountain event. More than 4,850 equipment items and trucks were sold in the auction for more than $54 million, matching the record-breaking $54 million Rocky Mountain auction held in March 2021.

"Consignors are taking advantage of the strong market pricing Ritchie Bros. is achieving in 2021," said Matt Johnson, Director, US West, Ritchie Bros. "After our massive March Rocky Mountain sale, we saw a wave of consignments. Through two Rocky Mountain events in 2021 we've sold more than 9,000 items for US$108+ million, attracting 1.8 million online pageviews. Our hybrid onsite-online regional auctions provide access to unbelievable selection for buyers, while getting sellers more eyes on their equipment to drive higher price realization."

Equipment for the Rocky Mountain regional auction was stored at Ritchie Bros. locations in Denver, CO; Salt Lake City, UT; and Williston, ND. All items were sold without minimum bids or reserve prices.

Approximately 88 percent of the equipment in the auction was sold to U.S. buyers, including 16 percent sold to buyers in Colorado, 9 percent to buyers in Utah and 5 percent to buyers in North Dakota. The remaining 12 percent of the equipment was sold to international buyers from as far away as Peru, Egypt, and the Netherlands.

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