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CIT Collaborates with iCleanse on Financing

April 29, 2021, 07:19 AM
Filed Under: Program Agreements
Related: CIT Group

iCleanse, a provider of UV-C personal device disinfection, announced it has joined forces with CIT Group Inc. to provide low-interest financing on all iCleanse disinfection products to keep customers and staff safe from infectious pathogens. This alliance allows iCleanse to better serve its current and future customer base, who may have limited cash flow due to the year-long pandemic, making UV-C disinfection more attainable for small and large businesses alike and keeping businesses open.

iCleanse products kill 99.9 percent of infectious pathogens, such as COVID-19, the common cold and influenza in as little as 15 seconds.

iCleanse’s Mission: Help Businesses Remain Safe and Open

iCleanse is the leader and only patented solution in chemical-free UV-C disinfection for mobile devices. Providing quick and effective disinfection for all types of business to help them remain safe and open is the main objective in iCleanse’s mission. Applying for financing through CIT is quick and easy, and customers can receive a decision on financing often in less than three minutes.

“Being able to offer our customers an easy financial solution to purchase our products is a no-brainer,” said Chris Allen, CEO of iCleanse. “Ensuring easy and effective disinfection of the items we use daily is one way to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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