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Leasepath Goes Live with Top Auto Finance Captive

September 16, 2020, 07:20 AM
Filed Under: Captive Finance

Leasepath, provider of the asset finance industry’s Finance Origination (LOS) and Customer Engagement (CRM) platform, announced a successful launch of its flagship product at a top Auto Finance Captive based in Michigan. The AFC will leverage the full suite of Leasepath’s Intelligent Workplace capabilities to service their municipal/commercial fleet operation, streamlining the processing of lease contracting and simplifying ongoing servicing and reporting.

"Right from the start we knew this would be a big task from a very big customer," said Jeffrey Bilbrey, Leasepath CEO. "Our challenge was to consolidate data from multiple internal and third-party sources to guide the decision-support process and deliver on our promise of the Intelligent Workplace. On top of that we had to replace decades-old processing habits with a new digital workflow system, but users adopted the system with ease and excitement in the end."

The successful implementation was made possible thanks to Leasepath’s trademark agility and the Microsoft Power Platform. Users are enabled to work from anywhere during COVID orders while still interfacing with mission critical applications, adding operational capacity. A major objective was providing a centralized environment that could leverage legacy applications; a process made seamless with Leasepath's Cloud-First architecture.

Leasepath reduced risk while improving customer service, and is now helping the AFC win more deals, and with more profit. “We start the deal in Leasepath and the process flows within Leasepath rather than starting in one place and jumping to other systems and then back again where we started. Leasepath decreases the chance of human error and mistakes that could cost us both dollars and customer confidence. There is much competition out there, so customer service and reputational risk are hot button issues for us," said one person from the AFC (name and company name withheld due to confidentiality agreements).

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