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Fleet Advantage’s Foundation Makes Donation to Jacksonville School for Autism

May 06, 2020, 07:00 AM
Filed Under: Company Announcements
Related: FLeet Advantage

Fleet Advantage announced its foundation, Kids Around the Corner, made a donation to the Jacksonville School for Autism to aid in medical insurance costs for furloughed teachers and staff members due to COVID-19.

The relief effort for the Jacksonville School for Autism was organized by Captain Sandy Yawn, star of Bravo’s TV series Below Deck Mediterranean. The school was established in 2005, as a full-service K-12 educational center for students and young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).  In this unprecedented time of COVID-19, the difficult decision was made to furlough teachers without pay.

The teachers and staff at the Jacksonville School for Autism play an integral part in successful development of students which ensures a comfortable transition from new learners to advanced learners. Donations to the relief effort will be used to maintain medical insurance and cover some financial costs for the teachers and staff.

The Kids Around the Corner foundation is funded by Fleet Advantage, and helps children through various donations, typically to smaller, local community charities that are 501(c) organizations in communities where their clients hold headquarters or distribution facilities.

“We want to express our appreciation for the individuals who make it their mission to support their local community through the education of children, especially during these unprecedented times,” said John Flynn, CEO at Fleet Advantage. “As many of us continue to feel the effects of COVID-19, Fleet Advantage feels a great responsibility to give back during a time of need.”

Kids Around the Corner was founded in 2014 by Fleet Advantage to support the needs of the communities where their employees and clients live and work. Fleet Advantage has committed to donating a percentage of its profits to children’s charities each year on behalf of their customers.

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