Pitney Bowes Inc. announced Wheeler Financial from Pitney Bowes has closed a financing transaction with Alpine Coffee of Englewood, CO.
The specialty coffee distributor recently upgraded its manufacturing equipment to maintain its service levels to a growing customer base. To minimize the cashflow over time and continue profitable growth, they turned to Wheeler Financial to finance the transaction.
“For us to continue to thrive, we need to invest in the right equipment – which means finding the right finance partner. Wheeler Financial has been supportive, flexible and responsive and they clearly understand the specific needs of our business. We look forward to developing our partnership with Wheeler Financial in the long-term,” Alpine Coffee said.
“Companies like Alpine Coffee are the heartbeat of the U.S. economy. These businesses should be celebrated and supported, but it’s harder than ever before for them to secure the finance they need to grow,” said Christopher Johnson, Senior Vice President and President, Pitney Bowes Financial Services. “At Wheeler Financial, our mission is to bolster these businesses, helping them foster growth through swift access to capital and industry intelligence. Our commitment to America’s Main Street stands firm.”
Learn more about Wheeler Financial in Equipment Finance Advisor’s interview with Johnson.