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The Day Bob Dylan Challenged GenAI and Crushed It

January 27, 2025, 07:00 AM

The date was May 8, 1964. Bob Dylan was in a London alley with a stack of cue cards recording what is now recognized as one of the first music videos: Subterranean Homesick Blues. I’m a boomer, but too young to be part of the “Woodstock” crowd and contemplate the deeper messages of Dylan’s poetic lyrics. But I am old enough to remember enjoying the music and stories in his songs.

Equipment Finance article on Bob Dylan and GenAI

Dylan’s early life is the subject of the new Timothy Chalamet movie about which everyone is talking: “A Complete Unknown.”  In addition to sharing Dylan’s work with yet another generation (enjoy it Gen Z), this has also brought a plethora of Bob Dylan videos to the top of my YouTube stream. About this I am not complaining.

But when the original Subterranean Homesick Blues video popped up the other day, I heard and saw something that surprised me. I remembered the video immediately. The grainy black and white recording, Dylan’s twang and the unique audiovisual combination are unforgettable. But what caught my attention this time was the cue cards. As I watched, I instinctively tried to match each word back to the lyrics. This doesn’t work. The synchronization of the cue cards with the song is addicting because your mind wants to put the words into Dylan’s mouth as he sings. But you can’t.
Since AI is made for such “pattern matching” problems. I wondered, could ChatGPT learn the words from the cards and “extend” them into Dylan’s lyrics. Well, of course it could if it had already seen the lyrics. Even I can do. But that would be cheating, like building a model off the specific results you are trying to predict. The models we build for predicting outcomes such as delinquency must often deal with incomplete data sets and/or discontinuities created by manual entries. When they have enough data, machine learning tools are very good at accommodating human error. But could AI take only the cue cards and recreate Dylan’s song – both lyrics and music?

Tamarack chart of Bob Dylan cue cards wall graphic on Equipment Finance Advisor

AI is a prediction technology. It can predict the next letter, the next word, or an outcome from a complex model. It can also use trial and error to learn and get better in cases where judging the quality of the outcome is clear. But how many combinations of words and chords would it have to try to get even one melody, much less Dylan’s creation. Creating a song from words seems like a bridge too far, but AI has already won photography and writing contests.

I am pretty sure that Bob Dylan did not have AI in mind in 1964 when he thought of the cue card video, but it sure is an awesome throwdown today. Could a machine learning algorithm take just Dylan’s cue cards and spit out Subterranean Homesick Blues? No, that’s not happening. No way.


Watch full Bob Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues video here.

Scott Nelson
President and Chief Technology Officer | Tamarack Technology
Scott Nelson is the President & Chief Technology Officer of Tamarack Technology. He is an expert in technology strategy and development including AI and automation as well as an industry expert in equipment finance. Nelson leads the company’s efforts to expand its impact on the industry through innovation using new technologies and digital transformation strategies. In his dual role at Tamarack, Nelson is responsible for the company’s vision and strategic planning as well as business operations across professional services and Tamarack’s suite of AI products. He has more than 30 years of strategic technology development, deployment, and design thinking experience working with both entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies.
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