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How Intrapreneurs Thrive Amid Workforce Disruptions: Unlocking Their Potential in a Changing Workplace

October 08, 2024, 07:00 AM

The current working environment has shifted dramatically. Many organizations are grappling with challenges ranging from employees exiting their roles to navigating health issues that leave teams short-handed. The pressure is on the remaining employees to take on more responsibilities, often stretching them beyond their capacity. This constant state of flux has put immense strain on businesses trying to keep up with day-to-day operations.

Yet, amid this chaos, some teams are not just surviving, they are thriving. These are the teams with a robust intrapreneurial operating system in place, supported by intrapreneurs who step up in times of need.

Article: Why Intrapreneurship Culture Can Make a Difference

These intrapreneurs, with their resilience and forward-thinking mindset, see opportunities where others see challenges, driving innovation, efficiency, and growth. We need to ask ourselves: Are we fostering the right environment for these individuals to thrive? More importantly, are we even identifying them?

Intrapreneurs are not your average employees; they are forward-thinking problem solvers who don't wait for permission to innovate. Companies that invest in identifying and nurturing these unique individuals tend to outperform their peers, especially in turbulent times. The real challenge is not just finding these intrapreneurs but fostering a culture where they can truly excel.

This blog will explore the significant changes in the current work environment and how companies that embrace intrapreneurship are not just surviving but thriving. Through a series of informative insights and thought-provoking questions, we aim to challenge your perspective on the importance of intrapreneurship in today's fast-changing workplace.

The Rising Tide of Workforce Exits and Role Changes

The phenomenon of employees leaving their jobs, also known as "quit exiting," is reshaping the labor market. In fact, job hopping and resignations have reached record levels in many industries. Workers are re-evaluating their careers, seeking better work-life balance, and demanding more from their employers.

This has created a volatile situation for businesses. Teams are becoming increasingly short-handed, with the remaining employees forced to wear multiple hats. This constant churn is not just a temporary blip; it's a sign of deep structural changes in how we work.

Article: Intrapreneurship Leadership During a Crisis

The challenge is clear: With fewer people on the ground and more work to be done, how can organizations stay productive without burning out their teams?

The answer lies in finding those within the organization who can rise to the occasion — individuals who think and act like intrapreneurs.

Intrapreneurs can take the initiative without the title of manager or executive. They see gaps and fill them. They thrive in ambiguity and excel in times of change.

If companies are struggling with turnover, one possible solution is to build systems that identify and empower these internal innovators.

Article: Engaged Employees, Better Service, Smarter Solutions

Post Covid Health Issues: Another Layer of Complexity

As if high turnover weren't enough, health issues — both mental and physical — have added another layer of complexity to the workplace. Many teams are finding themselves short-handed as employees take time off to manage health concerns or care for family members.
For businesses, this creates operational bottlenecks. Projects get delayed, deadlines are missed, and the stress level rises for everyone. In some cases, teams may feel they're being asked to do more with fewer resources, creating frustration and burnout.

Here's where intrapreneurs can make a real difference. Intrapreneurs are skilled at finding efficiencies and streamlining processes. They can identify ways to work smarter, not harder, making them invaluable in a time when resources are limited.

However, identifying intrapreneurs is only the first step. Companies also need to ensure that these individuals have the freedom and support to bring their ideas to life. This requires a culture that values experimentation and rewards initiative.

The Push to Do More With Less

With fewer people on staff, many organizations are pushing their remaining employees to take on more work. While this may be a short-term solution, it's not sustainable in the long run. Employees who are overburdened and underappreciated are more likely to burn out or leave, exacerbating the cycle of turnover.

However, teams that embrace intrapreneurship are better equipped to handle these pressures. Intrapreneurs excel at problem-solving and often come up with innovative solutions that allow their teams to do more with less.

For example, an intrapreneur might identify a process that can be automated, freeing up time for higher-level tasks. They might also propose a new way of organizing the workflow that improves efficiency. These kinds of contributions can make a significant difference in a leaner, more agile workplace.

But intrapreneurs need the right environment to thrive. They need to feel that their contributions are valued and that they have the autonomy to experiment.

Intrapreneurs: Identifying The Hidden Heroes of the Workplace

Intrapreneurs are often the unsung heroes of the workplace. They are the ones who take the initiative, solve problems, and drive innovation — all without being asked. But too often, their contributions go unnoticed, and they don't receive the recognition they deserve. It's time we appreciate and respect the value they bring to our organizations.
One reason for this is that intrapreneurs sometimes fit into the traditional mold of leadership. They may not have a title or a formal leadership role, but they lead through action and example.

Identifying intrapreneurs requires a shift in mindset. It's about looking beyond titles and traditional hierarchies to recognize those who are quietly driving change from within.

Once identified, intrapreneurs need support to thrive. This means giving them the freedom to experiment, the resources to execute their ideas, and the recognition for their contributions.

Take a moment to look around your organization.

Are there hidden intrapreneurs in your midst?

And if so, are you providing the support they need to thrive?

Recognizing and supporting these individuals could be the key to unlocking your organization's potential.
Creating a Culture That Fosters Intrapreneurship

Building a culture that fosters intrapreneurship is not just a nice to have; it's a must in today's rapidly changing business environment. Companies that fail to do so will fall behind, while those that embrace intrapreneurship are better positioned to adapt and thrive. The urgency and importance of this shift cannot be overstated.

Video: Intrapreneurship - A New Way Of Thinking About Leadership

Creating this kind of culture starts with leadership. Leaders need to recognize the value of intrapreneurs and create an environment where they can thrive. This means giving them the autonomy to take risks, the resources to execute their ideas, and the recognition they deserve.

But it's not just about leadership. Creating a culture of intrapreneurship also requires buy-in from the entire organization. Employees need to feel that their contributions are valued and that they have the freedom to innovate.

One way to do this is by encouraging open communication and collaboration. Intrapreneurs thrive in environments where they can share ideas, receive feedback, and work with others to bring their ideas to life.

If you still need to foster a culture of intrapreneurship, ask yourself: What changes can you make to support these internal innovators?
The Role of Technology in Empowering Intrapreneurs

Technology has a crucial role to play in empowering intrapreneurs. From automation tools to collaboration platforms, technology can help intrapreneurs work more efficiently and effectively.
For example, automation tools can free up time for intrapreneurs to focus on higher-level tasks, while collaboration platforms make it easier for them to share ideas and work with others.
But technology alone is not enough. Intrapreneurs also need the skills and training to use these tools effectively. This means investing in training programs that help employees develop the skills they need to thrive in an intrapreneurial culture.

If your organization still needs to leverage technology to empower intrapreneurs, now is the time to start. Ask yourself: what tools and resources can you provide to help intrapreneurs thrive?

The Importance of Recognition and Rewards

One of the biggest challenges for intrapreneurs is that their contributions often need to be noticed. Unlike traditional leaders, intrapreneurs don't always have a formal role or title that signals their leadership.

This is why recognition and rewards are so important. Intrapreneurs need to feel that their contributions are valued and that their efforts are making a difference.

Recognition can take many forms, from public acknowledgment of their contributions to financial incentives. What's most important is that intrapreneurs feel appreciated and motivated to continue driving change.

If you're not already recognizing and rewarding intrapreneurs in your organization, ask yourself: What steps can you take to ensure that their contributions are valued?

Building Resilience Through Intrapreneurship

Resilience is key in times of crisis. Companies that can adapt and thrive in the face of challenges are better positioned to succeed in the long term.
Intrapreneurs play a critical role in building this resilience. They are the ones who step up in times of need, finding creative solutions to problems and driving innovation when it's most needed.

But resilience doesn't happen overnight. It requires a culture that values and supports intrapreneurship. This means giving intrapreneurs the freedom to experiment, the resources to execute their ideas, and the recognition they deserve.

If your organization is struggling to build resilience, ask yourself: Are you fostering a culture that supports intrapreneurship?

Article: How Intrapreneurship Can Skyrocket Team Engagement by 80%

Intrapreneurship: The Future of Work

As the workplace continues to evolve, intrapreneurship will become increasingly important. Companies that fail to recognize the value of intrapreneurs risk falling behind, while those that embrace intrapreneurship will be better positioned to succeed in the long term.
Intrapreneurs are the future of work. They will drive innovation, solve problems, and lead change in an increasingly complex and uncertain business environment.

If your organization still needs to invest in intrapreneurship, now is the time to start. Ask yourself: What steps can you take to identify, nurture, and support intrapreneurs in your organization?

The Time to Act is Now

The workplace is changing rapidly, and organizations that fail to adapt risk falling behind. But amid this change, there is an opportunity for those who recognize the value of intrapreneurship.

Intrapreneurs are the ones who will drive innovation, solve problems, and lead change in an increasingly complex business environment. But they need the right environment to thrive.

If you still need to foster a culture of intrapreneurship, now is the time to start.

Ask yourself: What changes can you make to support these internal innovators? And more importantly, what are you waiting for?

RJ Grimshaw
RJ Grimshaw served as President and CEO of UniFi Equipment Finance from 2013 until December 2023. He led the transformation of the 35-year-old company, which saw its assets grow from $14 million to $250 million.

In addition to his achievements at UniFi, RJ is actively involved in the equipment finance industry. He currently serves as Treasurer for Equipment Finance Cares. He has previously served on the board of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, participated twice in the Industry Future Council (IFC), and volunteered on many committees with ELFA and NEFA. RJ currently authors thought leadership articles for, NEFA Newsline, and Equipment Finance News.

Before his impactful work at UniFi, Grimshaw developed his leadership and strategic skills through senior roles at EverBank and Key Equipment Finance.

RJ's professional focus encompasses a wide range of critical areas, including sales training, strategic planning, market evaluation, operations efficiency, risk mitigation, credit scorecard development, profitability and operational improvement, employee engagement, and portfolio collection enhancements.

To explore further details, visit or RJ is accessible for conversations and insights at
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