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AACFB Announces New Board Members

May 13, 2024, 07:00 AM

The American Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (AACFB) announced the election of two new additions to the AACFB Board of Directors and the election of a new Vice President. Paul Bosley with Business Finance Depot will serve as the new Secretary/Treasurer and Megan Eddings with Fleet Lending Solutions will serve in the role of Director at Large. Kortney Murray with Coastal Kapital, LLC will now serve in the role of Vice President.

Current AACFB President, Roderick Knoll, CLFP, announced, “I am excited to extend a warm welcome to our newest board members and congratulations to Kortney Murray as she assumes her new role. Their dedication and expertise will undoubtedly enrich our organization. Together, we will embark on this exciting chapter of growth and innovation.”

More about the newest board members:

  • Bosley is known for his expertise in financing franchises, RV parks, and campgrounds. He is the founder of dba Business Finance Depot and has partnered with several national franchises to assist franchisees with acquiring the capital they need to launch their new businesses or expand their existing businesses. He is the finance instructor for the Outdoor Hospitality Industry’s (OHI) national school, Woodall’s Campground Magazine’s Master Class, and the American Glamping Association’s Glamping University. He is a regular speaker and contributing writer for franchise, fitness, and RV park and campground conferences and publications. He also serves as a volunteer and finance workshop leader for S.C.O.R.E., a division of the SBA, and as the finance chair of his church.
  • Eddings has been in the finance industry since 2017. She began as a Regional Sales Manager for Fleet Lending Solutions. Through her connections with dealerships, relationships built with customers and vendors, and her love for sales, she moved quickly into the role of VP of Sales. Eddings works with 50 lenders in the industry and dealerships all over the United States. Her favorite part of her career is the relationships that are built, the friendships that are made, and being able to help clients when they need it most. Prior to joining Fleet Lending Solutions, she worked in healthcare.
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