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Leasing Most Popular Choice Among Fleet Managers, GE Capital

June 24, 2014, 07:00 AM
Topic: Transportation

GE Capital released a national survey of more than 400 executives at middle market companies (ranging from $10 million -

Notably, the survey found that 27% of companies expect to increase the size of their fleets in the next 12 months, with leasing being the most popular choice for obtaining new vehicles. Additional key findings from the survey include:

  • Only 4% of companies surveyed currently have alternative fuel vehicles in their fleet, but nearly half (48%) plan on adding AFVs in the coming years. Of those companies, 64% plan on adding AFVs in the next two years, and 92% will add them within the next five years.
  • Just over half of companies with fleets (51%) expect fleet costs to increase this year; very few expect costs to decrease. The largest increases in fleet-related costs in the past year were in the areas of fuel and maintenance (especially the upkeep of older vehicles and unscheduled repairs).
  • Two-thirds of executives overseeing vehicle fleets indicate that their firms saw improved overall performance (65%) and financial performance (69%) vis–à–vis one year ago.
  • The primary objectives of leadership are maintenance costs and reducing fuel costs via right-sizing and introduction of alternative fuel vehicles.
  • The most popular mode of obtaining new vehicles was leasing — cited by 30% of respondents, a bit more than using cash on hand (28%).


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