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NAELB Annual Conference Inspires “New Ideas for a New Economy”

April 14, 2014, 07:11 AM
Topic: Association News

Equipment leasing professionals are invited to take a step forward with new ideas for a new economy when the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB)  hosts its annual conference in Orlando, Florida, at the Caribe Royale Hotel and Resort from May 1-3, 2014. 

“Bright Horizons: New Ideas for a New Economy” will equip participants with insight they need to embrace the changing economy with courage and ingenuity.  Industry leaders will be on-hand to share their knowledge on building a solid business foundation, marketing services in the digital age and building a portfolio.  The conference will also feature networking opportunities that will offer attendees a chance to exchange ideas with colleagues and more experienced brokers.

Moving Forward in a New Economy

Attending NAELB’s annual conference is necessary for brokers looking to navigate the new leasing landscape in today’s ever-changing economy.  With a networking and seminar agenda that addresses the industry’s hottest topics, participants will gain skills and strategies that they can apply immediately.

Attendees will gain new insights into how to strengthen the funder and broker relationship, make strategic technology decisions and get a jump on the short-term working capital marketplace.

Scheduled networking events at the conference will provide targeted feedback and encourage in-depth dialogue about similar interests.  Attendees will also have an opportunity to network with funding sources throughout the conference as well as engage in collaborative dialogue with others in the profession.

Best Practices Broker Exam

Qualifying NAELB broker members will have the opportunity to take the NAELB Best Practices Broker Exam.  By passing this ethics exam, individuals can proudly display the “Best Practices Broker” designation on their marketing materials and website. 

“Bright Horizons: New Ideas for a New Economy,” NAELB’s Annual Conference will be held May 1-3, 2014, at the Caribe Royale Hotel and Resort in Orlando, Florida.  To register go to

NAELB is the premier organization formed to promote the interests of equipment leasing brokers through education, advocacy, improved communication with funders and programs designed to upgrade the professionalism and profitability of brokers, funders and others engaged in the business of equipment lease financing.  NAELB is an association formed by leasing brokers for leasing brokers.

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