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TIP Capital, Other Lenders Partner With Noesis Energy on Energy Projects

May 31, 2013, 07:00 AM
Topic: Energy

Noesis Energy, an energy measurement and savings website, announced that it now connects energy professionals to a syndicate of efficiency financing lenders. By helping energy and facility professionals—from building managers to energy consultants and manufacturers—connect with financial institutions that specialize in efficiency lending, Noesis looks to jump-start spending on critical energy-saving investments by commercial and industrial businesses.

Noesis has signed up four energy-efficiency financing firms that, collectively, have access to billions of dollars in investment capital: BluePath Finance, Metrus Energy, TIP Capital, and Vireo Energy. The range of financing options currently offered by this initial syndicate of lenders includes capital and operating leases, efficiency services agreements (ESAs), managed energy services agreements (MESAs), and property-assessed clean energy (PACE) financing.

"Not unlike what is happening in the solar finance market, experts and industry groups such as the Environmental Defense Fund have identified billions of dollars that could be made available to fund projects, if there were fewer barriers to energy efficiency capital and more data about qualifying projects and opportunities," said Scott Harmon , CEO of Noesis Energy. "Lenders look for projects that will deliver a predictable ROI that's based on thorough and grounded savings calculations. We can help our users present their projects to financiers using a standardized and scientific framework, so that lenders can quickly and easily evaluate projects, and confidently calculate a realistic return on their investment."

Access to Noesis Energy's syndicate of lenders is available to the more than 10,000 registered users of Noesis, as well as for customers of Noesis Pro, Noesis' premium set of SaaS offerings for large corporations, equipment manufacturers and energy services firms. For efficiency-finance lenders, Noesis provides a marketing channel through which they can cost-effectively offer investment vehicles and other capital products to Noesis users.

"We are excited to join the Noesis platform. A data-driven approach to efficiency projects is needed to unlock this market," said Warren Jones , CEO of BluePath Finance. "BluePath is pleased to offer Noesis partners several different financing solutions for commercial, industrial and municipal efficiency projects."

Ross Reida , vice president of national accounts at TIP Capital, sees the need for some reputable entity to connect energy managers with efficiency financing that banks do not currently offer. "More than 50 percent of commercial building projects in the United States are for 50,000 square feet or less. These are relatively small deal sizes that most banks won't touch. Our goal is to get these projects funded. Energy professionals who use the Noesis platform can accurately and confidently assess the return on their investments. We can offer these companies fast-turnaround financing, so they can fast-track their projects and start to take advantage of energy-saving technologies that reduce their operating costs," he said.

To read the full press release, click here.

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