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Leasing Foundation Sets Date for First Annual Conference

March 12, 2013, 07:09 AM
Topic: Association News

The Leasing Foundation has announced the date for its first Annual Conference which will be held on 30 September 2013.

The conference will be hosted by RBS at their offices in Bishopsgate, London and will be opened by Chris Sullivan, Chief Executive of the RBS Corporate Banking Division.

Although the event is limited to Foundation Fellows, Governors and invited guests, video from selected sessions will be available at the Leasing Foundation website. The conference will cover a range of topics connected to the Foundation's mission of research, philanthropy and development and provide a forum for debating the key issues facing the leasing and asset finance industry.

Foundation director Peter Thomas says "RBS have been generous in support of what we think will become a key fixture in the conference calendar. The work that our Governors and Fellows do at our Annual Conference will inform the debate at events such as the Leaseurope Annual Convention, the ELFA Annual Convention and the LeasingLife Conference."

Further details of the event will be available at the Leasing Foundation website.

The mission of the Leasing Foundation is to support the leasing and asset finance industry by providing focus and organisation for charitable activities, by performing rigorous, challenging and relevant research in areas that impact the industry and its future, and by seeking opportunities to sustain the industry by developing people in the industry. The Foundation is not a lobbying body or a trade association.

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