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Webinar to Provide Results of 2018 Survey of Equipment Finance Activity

Date: Aug 01, 2018 @ 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association is hosting a free one-hour webinar to present findings of its 2018 Survey of Equipment Finance Activity (SEFA), the largest and most important source of statistical information on the $1 trillion equipment finance industry.

The webinar is designed to help business leaders use the data in the 2018 SEFA to benefit their organizations. Topics will include:

  • Introduction to the 2018 SEFA
  • Key findings: New business volume; yield/cost of funds; financial statements; portfolio performance; and business processes (credit approval, remarketing/asset management and headcount)
  • A live demo of the new Interactive SEFA
  • Tips for using the data effectively
  • Q&A

The webinar will be presented by Raymond James, Chair of the ELFA Research Committee and Senior Consultant at Ivory Consulting Corporation; Carol Ann Fisher, Consultant at PwC, which produces the report in partnership with ELFA; and Bill Choi, ELFA Vice President for Research and Industry Services.

To join the webinar, go to on Aug. 7 at Noon. Audio Dial In: 1-408-638-0968; Meeting ID: 944-814-855. For technical questions, call 888.799.0125.

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