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ELFA to Host Webinar on Findings of 2017 Survey of Equipment Finance Activity

Date: Aug 01, 2017 @ 07:02 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association is hosting a free one-hour webinar to present findings of its 2017 Survey of Equipment Finance Activity, the largest and most important source of statistical information on the $1 trillion equipment finance industry on Thursday, Aug. 17, 2017, at Noon EDT

The webinar is designed to help business leaders use the data in the 2017 Survey of Equipment Finance Activity to benefit their organizations. Topics will include:

  • Introduction to the 2017 Survey of Equipment Finance Activity
  • Key Findings: New Business Volume; Yield/Cost of Funds; Financial Statements; Portfolio Performance; and Business Processes (credit approval, remarketing/asset management and headcount)
  • Tips for Using the Data Effectively
  • Q&A

The webinar will be presented by Raymond James, Chair of the ELFA Research Committee and Senior Consultant at Ivory Consulting Corporation; Carol Ann Fisher, Consultant at PwC, which produces the report in partnership with ELFA; and Bill Choi, ELFA Vice President for Research and Industry Services.

Visit the ELFA's website here to more informaton.

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