As this is the time of the year when we often look back and reflect on what has transpired over the last 12 months, the staff of Equipment Finance Advisor takes this occasion to do the same. With the new year rapidly approaching, we are always interested in taking a look at which articles in our industry from the past year captured our readers’ interest the most.
In that light, we reviewed all our content from the past year utilizing website metrics to determine which five articles received the greatest number of “points and clicks” from our readers.
It is in this spirit that we offer Equipment Finance Advisor’s top five articles for your discovery, edification or at the very least, your amusement.
Top Five Articles for 2015
The launch of Stonebriar marks the return of industry professionals from financial services giants the likes of AIG and GE Capital. Read Full Article
Equipment Finance Advisor recently spent time with Bill Mayer, the new group head at Wells Fargo Equipment Finance. Read Full Article
As the Blood, Sweat and Tears song goes, “What goes up, must come down, Spinning wheel got to go round...” This could be said for the nascent recovery of the construction industry. Read Full Article
Kirk Phillips, President and CEO of newly launched Wintrust Commercial Finance describes how experience and an entrepreneurial spirit will ignite this newest entrant to the equipment finance space. Read Full Article
Even as the economy shows signs of recovery, it is no secret that one of the greatest challenges for small business continues to be securing growth capital. Read Full Article
In closing, we would like to underscore that the staff of Equipment Finance Advisor always seeks to provide top-level content to its readers and from our perspective, each of our articles were not only well written, but relevant to the industry. The title, The Best of 2015, only refers to our readers' preferences and in no way takes away from the rest of our content. As such, we express our deep and lasting gratitute to each of the writers who contributed to Equipment Finance Advisor this year.
One final and very important thought ... we thank our readers and advertisers as well and wish all a joyous holiday season followed by a healthy, happy and prosperous 2016!