Since this is the time of year in which each of us historically looks back and reflects on the happenings of the last twelve months, the staff of Equipment Finance Advisor takes this occasion to do the same. As 2015 rapidly approaches, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at which of our articles from 2014 captured our readers’ interest the most. In that light, we reviewed this year’s content and website metrics to determine which five articles received the greatest number of "clicks" from our readers.
It is in this spirit of giving that we offer Equipment Finance Advisor’s top five articles for your discovery, edification or at the very least, your holiday season amusement.
Top Five Articles for 2014
The vendor market is in the midst of a change and the new paradigm is about flexible integration and fluid partnerships, as opposed to rigid structures and sole ownership... Read Full Article
In a double interview, Jim McGrane describes his role leading EverBank’s Commercial Division. Jeff Hilzinger shares his vision as president of Equipment Finance & Lender Finance. Read Full Article
The question is an all too familiar one: how does the equipment leasing and finance industry effectively attract, develop and retain the best and the brightest to join its ranks? Read Full Article
Frank Peretore looks "under the hood" at Article 9 in order to shed light on often overlooked nuances of titled vehicle filings. With Article 9, nothing is ever really simple. Read Full Article
When it comes to funding commercial finance companies, interest from senior lenders, institutional equity investors and alternative investors has risen notably in recent months. Read Full Article
In closing, we would like to underscore that the staff of Equipment Finance Advisor continuously seeks to provide top-level content to its readers and from our perspective, each of our articles were not only well written, but relevant to the industry. The title, The Best of 2014, only refers to our readers' preferences and in no way takes away from the rest of our article content. As such, we express our deep gratitute to each of the writers who contributed to Equipment Finance Advisor this year.
One final thought...we thank our readers and advertisers as well and wish all a joyous holiday season followed by a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!