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Fleet Advantage’s Jacobs to Speak at ELFA Emerging Talent Networking Event

Date: Mar 14, 2023 @ 07:00 AM

Fleet Advantage announced Jackie Jacobs, CLFP, Director of Data Analytics & Corporate Development, will be speaking during the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) March Emerging Talent Networking Event on March 14, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. CST at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago. Jacobs will be part of the panelist discussion on the topic of “Bridging the Gap – The War for Talent,” addressing the themes of company culture and employee growth, to kick off the event.

With active involvement in ELFA, Jacobs continues to offer leadership and mentorship throughout the equipment lease finance community and her recent induction into the Emerging Talent Advisory Council (ETAC) has allowed her to help continue bringing awareness and engagement to the next generation of leaders in the industry.

Jacobs believes employees may approach workforce issues in different ways, depending on which generation they were born into: Baby Boomer, Generation X, Millennial or Generation Z. Their relationships with organizations and superiors, as well as their work styles, can vary tremendously. Furthermore, equal opportunity is especially important to younger generations, and demonstrating that as a priority, not only in marketing materials but also in actions that companies take will attract talent across a wider variety of generations.

As a young professional in the equipment lease finance industry, Jacobs continues to bring a fresh perspective and encourage others to share ideas and aspirations for the future of the transportation, equipment leasing and asset management industries. With mentorship from professionals like Jacobs, Fleet Advantage has made it a priority to attract all talent, where its current workforce consists of 42 percent females and 35 percent minority professionals. Additionally, 23 percent of Fleet Advantage employees are under 40.

“Associates like Jackie offer leadership to other professionals who are learning to navigate their career path, as well as insight into how to retain great employees like herself,” said Katerina Jones, Chief Marketing Officer of Fleet Advantage.

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