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ELFA Announces Winner of 2022 Operations and Technology Excellence Award

Date: Aug 10, 2022 @ 07:23 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) announced Meridian OneCap Credit Corp. is the recipient of the 2022 Operations and Technology Excellence Award. Their award-winning project will be showcased during ELFA’s Operations and Technology Conference, Sept. 12-14 in New Orleans.

“We encourage ELFA members to join us at the Operations & Technology Conference, where Meridian OneCap Credit Corp. will share insights gleaned from their unique project experience,” said Tawnya Stone, Vice President, Strategic Technology at GreatAmerica Financial Services and Subcommittee Chair for the award. “You will walk away with new ideas to make your organization stronger.”

Meridian OneCap Credit Corp. is recognized for Project BOOST, a multi-year program comprised of initiatives and system releases that included a new data mart, process mapping and the redesign of critical business processes. These changes drove an operational transformation and modernized how OneCap employees work.
The goal of Project BOOST was to transform the culture and to have leaders constantly evaluate and find ways to creatively leverage data and business systems to meet organizational objectives. The objective was and remains the drive to exceed customer expectations for service and turn-around times. Project BOOST has been the first step in creating a foundation for ongoing improvement to customer experience and eliminating wasted time and effort across the enterprise.
“Automating workflows, reducing manual processes and enhancing online capabilities for OneCap customers has resulted in improved systems functionality, service efficiency and the capacity for innovation at OneCap,” said Hugh Swandel, President of Meridian OneCap Credit Corp. “The various initiatives under BOOST drive technological change, but more importantly have transformed OneCap’s culture into one of rapid, agile and digital innovation. Project BOOST has led to modernized processes, efficiency gains and improved system changes that benefit both our customers and employees.”

“For more than two decades, ELFA’s Operations & Technology Excellence Award has recognized exceptional solutions that address the business challenges equipment finance organizations face,” said ELFA President and CEO Ralph Petta. “We applaud all of this year's award applicants for their noteworthy achievements, and we are honored to recognize Meridian OneCap Credit Corp. as the winner.”

The Operations and Technology Excellence Award recognizes equipment finance companies that have demonstrated best practices in developing and implementing innovative uses of technology or creative business processes to improve operations, enhance customer interactions, enter new markets or build overall ROI. The program brings the backroom to the foreground, spotlighting the best in the industry as an example for others. More information about the award and a list of previous winners are available at

Information about ELFA’s Operations and Technology Conference, where the award-winning project will be showcased, is available at

The award-winning project also will be spotlighted at the 61st ELFA Annual Convention, Oct. 9-11 in Marco Island, Florida,

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