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Moritt Hock & Hamroff Attorneys Cohen and Gavrilov to Speak at ELFA Convention

Date: Oct 20, 2021 @ 07:01 AM

Moritt Hock & Hamroff (MH&H) announced two of its attorneys in the Secured Lending, Equipment and Transportation Finance Practice were selected to present at the Equipment Leasing & Finance Association (ELFA) Annual Convention, to be held in San Antonio, TX, Oct. 24-26. The event also will be attended by Marc Hamroff, the law firm’s Managing Partner.

On Oct. 25, Bob Cohen will join a panel of industry attorneys for a session entitled: “Back to the Future: Hot Legal Topics for ELFA’s 60th Anniversary.” Cohen will address the latest news on New York disclosure laws. The 2:30 p.m. session will cover not only today’s issues in equipment finance law but also what may arise in the future.

At the same time in another break-out session, MH&H’s Julia Gavrilov will contribute to a panel presentation on corporate diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategies, as well as the increasing demand for more data transparency to measure D&I. Gavrilov will elaborate on the potential legal implications for companies that are not committed to diversity, and other panelists will highlight best practices to further develop an organization’s efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion.

Gavrilov is also the author of a feature article on diversity and inclusion in the October edition of the ELFA’s digital magazine.

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