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ELFA Releases Online Dashboard for 2021 Survey of Equipment Finance Activity

Date: Oct 12, 2021 @ 07:20 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association has released the 2021 Interactive SEFA Dashboard, an online tool featuring highlights from the Survey of Equipment Finance Activity (SEFA). This free resource allows ELFA members to quickly and easily connect to critical business intelligence for the nearly $1 trillion equipment finance industry.  

The Interactive SEFA Dashboard features key findings from the SEFA—the most important source of statistical information available on the equipment finance sector—stretching back to 2006. The benchmarks include such data as:

  • New business volume growth
  • Headcount
  • Yield/spread/costs of funds
  • Financial ratios
  • Assets under management
  • Delinquencies and losses
  • New business volume by state

In just a few clicks, users can query the data by all of these metrics and more. The user-friendly platform makes it easy to segment the data by year, type of organization, market segment, size of organization and business model. Users can select categories, add filters and drill down into specific information.

How to Access the SEFA Interactive Dashboard
ELFA members may access the Dashboard at For a tutorial, please contact Bill Choi, VP of Research & Industry Services, at In addition, a 300-page SEFA Report and Small-Ticket Breakout providing comprehensive performance metrics are available at

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