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LTi Technology Solutions Co-Founder Haug Honored with ELFA Advocacy Award

Date: May 18, 2021 @ 07:15 AM

LTi Technology Solutions announced Randy Haug has been awarded the 2021 Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) Advocacy Award. Haug is Executive Vice President, Vice Chairman and co-founder for LTi. The association will present the award at ELFA Capitol Connections virtually on May 19.

The Advocacy Award is one of ELFA’s highest levels of recognition. Award winners exemplify extraordinary contributions to advance the association’s programs. They play an outstanding leadership role representing ELFA in promoting the importance of advocacy on behalf of the equipment leasing and finance industry.

Haug co-founded LTi Technology Solutions in 1989 after purchasing LeasePlus (L+), a back-end lease and loan portfolio management system. He is widely considered a thought leader and uses his consultative problem-solving skills to improve the lives of those at LTi as well as those in the industry he collaborates with. Haug has been active in many aspects of ELFA over the years, including the ELFA Advocacy Advisory Committee and as an industry speaker and panelist for many educational events within the association.

“I am genuinely humbled and honored to be named along with many incredible industry peers who have received this award before me,” Haug said. “Actively volunteering and advocating for issues that are important to sustain and propel our industry forward is something I strongly believe in. It inspires me to see ELFA members advocating on Capitol Hill each year. They educate and make a compelling case to elected officials on important public policy issues. These ELFA legislative initiatives focus on areas of capital spending in business, commerce, and governments programs. They are an important part of improving the economic engine of the U.S. economy.”

Haug continued, “Being active and advocating for this great industry that we are all fortunate to work and make our living in has always been something I enjoy being a part of. The ELFA has trusted and experienced resources in its leadership. When the ELFA and ELFA voluntary members collaborate, it creates a powerful message to our elected government officials on both the federal and state levels. Thank you for honoring me with this wonderful award.”

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