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New Business Volume Rises 9% in February Y/Y, ELFA

Date: Mar 23, 2021 @ 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $900 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new business volume for February was $7.4 billion, up 9 percent year-over-year from new business volume in February 2020. Volume was down 9 percent month-to-month from $8.1 billion in January. Year-to-date, cumulative new business volume was down almost 4 percent compared to 2020.

Receivables over 30 days were 2.1 percent, down from 2.2 percent the previous month and up from 2.0 percent in the same period in 2020. Charge-offs were 0.55 percent, up from 0.47 percent the previous month and up from 0.51 percent in the year-earlier period.
Credit approvals totaled 76.8 percent, up from 76.2 percent in January. Total headcount for equipment finance companies was down 4.2 percent year-over-year.
Separately, the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation’s Monthly Confidence Index (MCI-EFI) in March is 67.7, an increase from the February index of 64.4, and the highest level since April 2018.      
ELFA President and CEO Ralph Petta said, “February metrics show healthy new business growth compared to the same period pre-pandemic last year. As vaccine distribution picks up across the country, labor markets improve and interest rates remain low, the U.S. economy will only improve as we move into Q2. Business confidence is at an historic high as measured by our Foundation’s Monthly Confidence Index (MCI). All this bodes well for business growth and expansion and the accompanying accelerating demand for productive equipment.”
Christopher Johnson, President, Financial Services, Pitney Bowes, said, “It’s encouraging to see new business volume and confidence levels increase as organizations continue to deal with the financial impact of the pandemic. The results should provide a glimmer of hope to small- and lower middle-market businesses in particular—they’ve been hit the hardest and have found it much more difficult to secure capital than larger companies. The pandemic may have been a setback to many of these businesses, but they are poised to come out of the crisis stronger as they are well-positioned to capture the upswing in growth. While we did see an initial uptick in delinquency, in line with the market, our portfolio has performed well through the pandemic. Now is the time for the lending community to step up and support these businesses who are an important segment of our economy. Pitney Bowes has over 100 years of experience supporting our 750,000 small business clients. We have a robust history of lending, we have access to capital, and we have been firm in our commitment to Main Street.”

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