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ELFA Statement on President Obama's Corporate Tax Reform Proposal

February 27, 2012, 06:00 AM

William G. Sutton, CAE, President and CEO of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, released the following statement in response to the Obama Administration’s proposal for corporate tax reform:

“For U.S. businesses and manufacturers to remain competitive, the tax code must promote growth and continue to encourage investment in capital equipment and the work force in order to facilitate the acquisition and operation of this equipment. “The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association believes the time is right for comprehensive tax reform and supports the efforts by Congress and the Administration to create discussion drafts in the continuing dialogue. Promoting investment in productive assets and ensuring the maximum flexibility of financing options for asset acquisitions and business expansion are essential to creating the right environment for positive investment in equipment and growth of our economy. Within the context of tax reform, capital formation incentives need to remain, and the ability to acquire capital equipment should not be adversely affected.
“We look forward to playing a constructive role in the continuing debate surrounding tax reform and informing stakeholders of the critical role equipment financing plays in the U.S. economy.”

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