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AMT: 2011 Manufacturing Technology Demand Strong Amid Economic Weakness

December 29, 2011, 08:30 AM
Topic: Manufacturing

The Association For Manufacturing Technology reported this year’s resurgence of manufacturing following the crash of 2008 was unprecedented. According to the report, the most current U.S. manufacturing technology orders put the year-to-date total at $463.32 million, up 80.5% compared with 2010 and are the second highest dollar amount in the last 15 years.  As of October, manufacturing technology orders had already surpassed the total value accumulated in 2007.

The report quotes Douglas K. Woods, President saying “It’s long been recognized that analysis of manufacturing technology orders provides a reliable leading economic indicator, as it is an indicator that manufacturing firms are investing in capital equipment to increase their capacity and improve productivity.  Manufacturing technology provides a foundation for all other manufacturing. These machines and devices are the equipment that turn raw materials such as steel, iron, plastic, ceramics, composites, and alloys from their original state as stock materials into what will become durable goods such as airplanes, cars, and appliances, as well as consumer and other goods that are used every day.”

Wood also stated “American manufacturers rushed to beat the end-of-year bonus depreciation deadline.” 

As reported, the Midwest and Central regions of the U.S. have seen the greatest surge in manufacturing technology orders.  The Midwest’s manufacturing technology orders in 2011 are 105% more than the comparable figure for 2010.


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