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Reuters: Wind Power Market May Face Challenges in 2013

December 28, 2011, 06:30 AM
Topic: Energy

Reuters reported the wind turbine market faces a difficult 2013 even if the U.S. incentive program known as the Production Tax Credit (PTC) is extended beyond its 2012 expiration date, according to Denmark-based MAKE Consulting.

The report states that uncertainty about whether the tax credit will be extended or replaced with other incentives has resulted in a spike in the 2011 and 2012 wind farm building cycle, while new development plans for 2013 have declined according to MAKE.

The report quotes MAKE stating, "The wind industry will see precipitous drops in 2013 installations without a PTC.  But even if a PTC is extended, the market impact is likely to be muted due to more challenging macro-economic conditions - basic demand conditions remain weak and natural gas futures remain low," it said. "Even with a PTC, 2013 will not be the boom market of PTC years past."

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