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Report: Solar Fastest Growing Renewable in U.S. to 2040

December 07, 2012, 06:55 AM
Topic: Energy

PV-TECH reported solar will play a central role in boosting the share of renewables in America’s energy mix between now and 2040, according to figures from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The administration’s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 published December 5, 2012 forecasts that by 2040 renewables will meet 16% of US energy demand, up from 13% in 2011.

With generation costs falling, the report says that solar and, to a lesser extent, wind will play a central role in driving the growth of renewables in the US. The report singles out PV as the fastest grower in the renewables sector, accounting for 17% of total electricity generated from renewable energy sources apart from hydropower by 2040.

Read the full Annual Energy Outlook 2013.

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